Monday, September 23, 2013



Once upon a time, there lived a sorceress and her son. They lived in a very fertile jungle by accident and ruled over its inhabitants consisting of peaceful birds and animals like wild bears, elephants, rabbits, squirrels, tortoises and peacocks, beavers, flamingos, parrots and nightingales etc.  Sorceress had a sheepish tiger, few wolves and jackals and some cunning foxes as a coterie of her cronies to help her to rule over the animals and birds that were very hard working and spent most of their time to collect the produce of jungle and deposit it in the treasury and warehouses of the sorceress and ate what was allowed by the sorceress to consume. All the produce of the jungle first used to be carried to sorceress and then she used to distribute it from the treasury according to her whims and fancies without bothering for future to stock. She ruled over them with a policy of divide and rule. She created discrimination between brown animals and black animals or white birds and colored birds and succeeded in keeping them divided based on their color. 
Sheepish tiger that was made king by the sorceress was very obliged to her and loved to remain loyal  and faithful and transferred all his powers to the sorceress. Sorceress was cunning and she too usurped all the powers of king and chose personally all the courtiers of the king.  Sheepish King tiger was stupid and did not mind it.   He had a reputation of being honest but he was very timid and spineless. As Sorceress was not directly involved and ruled from behind, she used the sheepish lion as her shield.  The knave king that he was , took all the blame on himself arising because of nepotism and corruption practiced by sorceress. All the king’s couriers colluded with the sorceress indirectly and looted the treasury. Sheepish tiger had become almost as a punching bag in his kingdom and slowly animals and birds started hating him. In-spite of all the blame put on him for the misdeeds of his courtiers and sorceress, He worshiped the invisible sorceress as he was very scared from her spells and treated her like a goddess and often prostrated before her. In true sense he was merely a puppet in the hands of family of the sorceress.
 He was only for name sake a king but still enjoyed the un-elected post given to him. Jackals and foxes knew the weakness of their king and took full advantage of it and kept a direct contact with sorceress and her son. This helped them to curry extra favors from the sorceress and sorceress too enjoyed their sycophancy and allowed them to keep part of the produce for themselves adding to the huge corruption in the system.   None of the creatures of jungles had seen the sorceress and she used to keep an extremely low profile and rarely came out of her fortress and very few were allowed to meet her in person.
 In the jungle lived also a huge python who was lazy but he acted as an arbiter of justice as agreed by all the inhabitants and sorceress too because he had divine powers given by God Almighty. But for most of the time he slept for months or even for years.  But once awake it used to settle disputes and tried to maintain some semblance of justice but again used to get lost in deep slumber sometimes for years together that too without announcement.
 Inhabitants of the jungle had no option but they waited and prayed to God so that python could wake up again accidently to solve their problems. They cursed their fate and many of them died with justice denied. Sorceress took full advantage of the interim period and her coterie looted the treasury and sometimes threw part of the leftover to the hungry animals and birds to pacify them and remain in power without inviting any revolution from the ill-fated miserable inhabitants of the jungle.
 Python had appointed a falcon to investigate the corruption carried out by the coterie of sorceress and as the python had huge faith in the investigatory power of the falcon, he often slept soundly.
Sorceress had lot of tricks up her sleeves. She clipped the talons of the falcon and tied its feathers and bounded it in a cage. Then she turned the falcon into a parrot because she knew parrot would speak what it was trained to speak by her cronies and parrot did really what it was told whenever it was called by the python to report on investigation on corruption . Python had lot of faith on the falcon nay the parrot and whatever parrot spoke, python believed even without opening its eyes.  This went on for long because this time python really slept undisturbed believing that falcon would keep a check on the nefarious designs of the coterie of sorceress.
Over the years as fate would have wanted, talons of the falcon and feathers started growing again as a natural process. But falcon believed that he was still a parrot as he was after all under the influence of the spell cast by sorceress.
In the meantime corruption had reached its nadir and jackals and foxes were openly filling their coffers for their kith and kin and there was huge hue and cry all around in the jungle and everybody protested and heaved with pain due to hunger arising because of the onslaughts of corruption. This disturbed the python’s sleep and he woke up from his deep slumber. He called the falcon but was quite dismayed to see the miserable condition of falcon and was quite amused. He got a further shock of his life when python questioned about its investigation on corruption only spoke like a parrot as trained by the coterie of sorceress.
Python rebuked the falcon telling him that he was nothing but a parrot and  had too many masters. As python had divine powers, he converted the falcon back to his original shape giving him his new talons and a sharp beak and asked him to reinvestigate the corruption. Falcon realized his mistake and it too acknowledged that he really behaved during all this time like a caged parrot as dictated by its numerous masters. Then python again slept as it was summer holidays to fall and it loved sleeping.
Falcon went back soaring up in the sky and it wheeled and dived in the free air under the azure sky and bright sunshine. His eyes were sharp as ever and he looked in every nook and corner of the jungle. He soon found out his prey and  really caught few jackals red handed deeply immersed in corruption with their pants down. Falcon was amazed at its speed and alacrity and thoroughly enjoyed catching the culprits. This alerted the sorceress and her son and they decided to do something and somehow put the blame once again on the timid king.
The jackals who were caught complained to sheepish lion that why should they be punished when they were only trying to protect their holy king. Sheepish lion too thought that it was none of his fault and neither of jackals because the real beneficiaries were sorceress and her son. 
Sorceress and her son ordered the sheepish lion king to remove the so called corrupt jackals immediately as their reputation was dwindling rapidly. Sheepish lion that was timid could not protect his comrades and had to issue the order to remove the few jackals that were found culprit by the investigating falcon.
Sorceress was convinced that sheepish lion was proving to be a liability and decided that it was high time that she replaced the sheepish lion with her son as  king .But the son was reluctant and was not as sharp as his mother and continued to evade the responsibility. He in fact had a dull mind. This enraged the sorceress however she reminded her son not to worry and she will take care of all the perils and shall depute wolves around him.
Wolves were shrewd and they advised sorcerer that there could be a revolution as there was lot of discontent among poor and weak animals and birds of the jungle because of exposure of corruption and they would one day attack her fortress.
She was ready with the solution and declared that all the poor and weak animals shall be given free food and they need not work. This emptied the treasury once again and there were zero inventories of the eatables in the warehouses and nothing was left for future to survive especially during floods and famines which were frequent in the jungle.